Friday, March 30, 2012

Nutrition Advises according Blood Group

Man - this is now being reasonable, and once he was much closer to nature and, accordingly, to the animal world, from which, following the theories of Darwin, and left. So once, like animals, people instinctively what food suits him. Indeed, predators, for example, would never eat fruits and vegetables, and herbivores will not cease to be a vegetarian. 

Because of this, they instinctively selectivity does not suffer from heart and other diseases. Furthermore, if we do not take into account the brutal manners of the animal world, it should be noted that one type of animals live up to the time limit allotted to individuals of this nature is, and go from a life of approximately the same age. Their animal instinct is thus a protective mechanism by which civilization has lost a person whose immune system is weakened, and the organism was exposed to many, including the deadly disease. blood group emerged at the very beginning of human evolution as a species. 

That's what this says about the Doctor of Biological Sciences, Valentin Hakobyan: "New methods for determining blood groups, even on the dried remains and pieces the bones allowed to explore the 30 found in the permafrost mummies Aleuts who lived in the prehistoric era. Studies have shown that eight of the Aleuts had a second or third blood group, whereas in accordance with the views of the D'Adamo at the time could not be, especially in people who ate animal food. "

At the end of XX century Americans, father and son D'Adamo (doctors, naturopaths) found a correlation of blood supply. Their theory was based on the fact that the digestive and immune system of humans have a predisposition to the very foods that are eaten by our ancestors. And the rules of supply based on the direct relationship of food consumed by blood group. According to their studies as a result of the power not only to improve the process of metabolism, but also activates the human immune system and the general condition of his body, as well as reduced body weight. You do not need to torture yourself with diet and endlessly assume calorie consumption.

First (1) blood

Recommended foods for blood group

Blood Group 1 (0) (50% of the world's population) is considered the most ancient. It is, according to the theory, is the founder of the remaining blood groups.

Currently, this group is determined by one-third of the world's population. It is the oldest, and its media is a strong, leadership character, self-confidence.

People with blood group first have a good, healthy digestive organs, very developed immunity and resistance to infectious diseases, metabolism tuned and high ability to accumulate nutrients, nutrients.

People in this category (the first hunters and gatherers), characterized by a strong immune system, they are energetic and active. Their stomachs, with a high level of acidity, well-digested meat, which is recommended to eat small meals every day. Preferably dark, lean meat - lamb or beef (not pork), as well as poultry and offal (heart, liver). They are useful for sea fish and seafood (but not eggs).

Genetically, these people tend to tireoidizmu when not enough thyroid hormone is produced, resulting in slower metabolism and a man putting on weight. Thyroid gland, activates metabolism, shows more than seafood rich in iodine.

Necessary and vegetables, especially if they are green, leafy, it is useful most of the legumes, except for potatoes, cabbage, eggplant, black olives and mushrooms.

Showing fruits, plums are particularly useful and figs (except oranges, tangerines, melons, blackberries, strawberries).

From eggs, cereal, flour and dairy products should be abandoned.

The drink - mineral water may be pure spring, and green tea, beer and wine.

People with a blood group are predisposed to inflammatory processes (eg, arthritis) and stomach ulcers. The positive aspects include the fact that their blood is more fluid, and hence the likelihood of blood clots is much smaller.

These people are in need of intensive physical exercise aerobic type (an ideal way to relieve stress), and sports that require agility and strength.

Two (2) a group of blood meals and

Recommended foods for blood group

Blood type 2 (A) (40% of the world's population). Her owners (farmers in ancient times) are not vegetarians with the immune system and poor allocation of gastric juice. Historically, this group of blood emerged early in the development of agriculture and farming.

The positive properties of the organism in the second group, the blood may include the ability to adapt to the environment, it is easy to acquire the necessary materials. The most useful are the fruits and vegetables, which should be eaten raw or cooked to be gentler way. These products also help to keep your desired weight.

It is shown that fish and seafood (but not eggs), and meat is desirable to eliminate entirely, you can sometimes afford a turkey and chicken. This is due to low stomach acid, which is difficult to digest meat, and it turns into fat. Also not shown, and dairy products. A body needs proteins is desirable to obtain from nuts and legumes (beans but it affects the weight). Products made of wheat flour is also excluded from the diet is better.

The most useful beverages can be considered as green tea and clean water, coffee and wine (preferably red). Coffee and red wine, stimulates the secretion of gastric juice.

These people should be engaged in physical activity, choosing lightweight exercise - swimming, calm walking, aerobics, cycling, yoga (meditation is the best way to relieve stress).

The problem with this group of people can become thick blood, capable of veins and arteries to gather in clusters. People from two blood group may be suffering from cardiovascular, cancer and diabetes.

The third (3) a group of blood 

Recommended foods for blood group

Blood Group 3 (B) (8% of the world's population). These people (former nomads), a strong immune system and as a consequence - high resistance to stress and colds. And thanks to the strong digestive system, the choice of products are more diverse. Only this group useful: fish, meat (lamb, beef, rabbit, but not poultry), dairy products, as well as liver, eggs, various vegetables (but not tomatoes, pumpkin, radish, radish, olives), all fruits.

Their drinks - it is green tea, water, can afford to drink wine, beer, not often - black tea.

Contraindicated - corn, buckwheat, peanuts, lentils, wheat flour products that trigger weight gain.

Exercise (endurance) - walking, jogging, swimming, aerobics and yoga exercise that is not too strenuous, but not completely relaxing.

People are three groups of blood can be exposed to diseases such as lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, vascular sclerosis.

The fourth (IV) group of blood

Recommended foods for blood group

Blood group 4 (AB) (2% of the world's population), this group is the youngest. It appeared 1000-1200 years ago, combining the features of groups A and B. People in this group have a strong immune system, their bodies have antibodies that protect them from diseases that are caused by bacteria. The weakness of these people can be considered as the digestive tract, which has high sensitivity, hence the need for a balanced varied diet. Their food should abound in products of plant origin, as well as in people of group A, but you can afford, and some kinds of meat, show the people the group B.

The most suitable products to them - it's seafood and fish, and fruits and vegetables should be eaten beans and dairy products. In moderate amounts of useful rabbit, turkey and lamb.

Drink more pure spring or mineral water and green tea. Not often - beer and wine (preferably red).

Not useful - buckwheat, beans, corn, nuts, red meat and pastry products.

Exercise should not be too tight, useful swimming, aerobics, cycling and walking.

The problem is the people of this type of exposure to stressful situations, therefore, the use of yoga and relaxation techniques (relaxation) will be very handy.

After the theory of D'Adamo came out, she quickly gained supporters and followers, who, leaning on it, have achieved good results.
Doctors have not yet agreed on how effectively blood group diet, though most nutritionists consider this theory at least has a right to exist. People suffering from chronic illnesses, food for blood group should be used very carefully, be sure to consult your doctor.

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